
B74: Catalyst Superyacht Tender
Interior Structure Installed

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Our Catalyst superyacht tender has made massive strides following the Christmas break. In the last newsletter, we left off after removing the hull from the mould. 

Now, all the interior girders and frames have been installed and the hull turned right-side-up. Most of the bulkheads are installed, the lower cabin superstructure has been constructed and is ready and waiting to be installed, the cabin roof has been completed, and the ‘floating floor’ cabin interior structure is nearing completion. The ‘floating floor’ is installed over the structural cabin sole to fit with the raised side deck designs. The raised side decks are a custom feature requested by our client to create water sports storage garages underneath.

In addition to the side decks, the owner has added a number of upgrades during the build, making this arguably the most luxurious and well-equipped Catalyst constructed to date – she is going to be a very impressive boat.

Our anticipated launch date is the end of the third quarter of this year. We will be very excited to see B74 in the water as she is a totally unique machine – there is literally no other boat like her in the world.

However, there is still plenty for the team to do to meet that deadline.